FeniFine's Motto

"Kesuksesan anda tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan orang lain, melainkan dibandingkan dengan diri anda sebelumnya." ~Jaya Setiabudi

Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Let’s Be A Greenpreneur

All praise belongs to God, thirteen days ago, it was announced that I got capital aid to run a go green business. I am very pleased, I will be a greenpreneur. I submitted my business proposal on Javanese letter calligraphy relief craft made from paper waste, and it is funded. The reason why I choose Javanese Calligraphy is that because it is a Javanese art which is almost extinct. It is difficult to find Javanese Calligraphy, even in Yogyakarta (the city where I live in), a tourism destination in Indonesia which is famous of its Javanese culture. Save Earth and Save Culture.

The first product of my business :)

I must make this business become a profitable & sustainable business. This business is my first step to really have a large recycle factory. Though, this business might be smaller compared than the other recycle factories, I’m sure that step by step my dream will come true. If my life is just short, I hope there will be someone who will continue my ideal to have a large recycle factory. Starting from me; from smaller then it will be getting increased time by time.

I often feel pity when I have to throw some kinds of garbage, for example paper and pen. I think it can be something useful. Someday, I want to have a large recycle factory that can give jobs for many people. Although I come from a modest family, I want to get out from problems of life, related to materials. I also want to take my family out from poverty line. Starting from me, my family, and then society.

The recycle factory I dreamed will work hand in hand with society and industrial world. The factory will have a garbage bank as the medium for cooperation with society. According to State Minister of Life Environment, Prof. DR. Balthasar Kambuaya, MBA., business society, in this case is producer, importer, distributor, and retail, together with the government must immediately realize the implementation of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in garbage management. His statement is based on Government Regulation Number 81 Year 2012 Regarding Management of Household Garbage and the kind. Based on the government regulation, the package of company products which are indecomposable by nature must be taken back by the corresponding companies to be processed in order to prevent pollution. Through the recycle factory I want to establish, I try to apply the government regulation in industrial world. Actually, they are responsible in processing indecomposable garbage. I must cooperate with industrial world, such as giving compensation for their advertisements in the factory’s products or in the advertisement of the factory.

That’s my story about my plan in recycle business. Let’s give benefit for environment and economy by being a greenpreneur with our own way Smile.

Masnellyarti. November 1, 2012. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 81 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga. Url:

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